She's catching on to how things work in our house and her new life, and what behavior is acceptable and what is not. And understanding that and having well defined rules seems to give her security and allow her to enjoy herself and just be a kid. We're not 100% there -- she still constantly asks what is and is not ok to do, funny things, is it ok to drink some of my water, do I need to eat this before I eat that on my plate, and she points out everything (and I mean everything) Tallie and Beckett do - to make sure they're doing what is right. So from my 5 weeks with her I really think she is a good kid and wants to do what is right, but she doesn't always know what that is, even when it seems obvious to us, and she has 2 1/2 years of orphanage life and the way the kids there behaved that influences her behavior. But she's getting there and it's amazing how different she is now from when she first came home -- and it's only been 5 weeks! It's also amazing how much English she knows. She is able to say the basics and get by -- the other day she was trying to tell me something and I could see her frustration. She was using the words she knew but they weren't exactly what she needed and she knew it but she was trying to make due and I was just not understanding what she was trying to say. Moments like that are hard because you see what a big change this is for her and how frustrating it can be. But kids are AMAZING and resilient.
Everyone always asks me how Tallie is handling the change to our family. She too is amazing. She has been blessed with the sweetest personality and naturally loves everyone. I hope it is something that will always stay with her. She adores Valencia. They definitely have their moments as all siblings do, but overall she loves it. We colored valentines back in February and after her third one for Valencia I suggested she make some for other people too. I was writing thank you notes the other day and Tallie wanted to write one too. She said Valencia did something nice for her that day so she was going to make one for her. I took Tallie and Beckett to the gym to play one day while Valencia was at school and Tallie made friends with a little girl there and in their conversation the girl said she was 5 and Tallie immediately responded "my sister is 5." And the funniest of all was one night when I went to check on the girls after they were asleep. I was fixing Tallie's covers and she rolled over and said "Valencia" in her sleep. I think she's very proud to have a sister.
Last night after dinner Jared made the girls go outside and run laps -- they had WAY too much energy and were driving us crazy so he thought this would help.
I have to include a picture of my cute little guy:
LOVE the pictures! Glad to hear things are going well!
ReplyDeleteTallie reminds me of my Lynn. She is so sweet and thoughtful! The girls are darling together.. that 2 pm PJ party reminds me of something we probably did. ;)
ReplyDeleteDaven watched the video of the girls over and over, each time saying, "Again! Again!" Thanks so much for sharing your stories and pictures with all of us! It is truly heart-warming and inspirational to hear how things are going. You are wonderful parents and great examples for sweet Valencia! We are so glad Tallie is doing so well and enjoying having a sister! Love you!
ReplyDeleteI love your posts. And, just so you know, I used to make Tallie and the others run around in circles during Nursery to wear them out so they would sit semi-quietly for the lesson. It worked pretty well. So, I know it's nothing new to Tallie. My bet is you'll be having Beckett running soon enough, too!