I've made my first attempt to braid in extensions for Valencia myself. I thought I'd give it a try since the difference in cost is $4 vs $70. I watched a couple youtube videos and was ready to go.
Since it took almost an entire Saturday just to take out her old braids I had to leave her hair out for the week before doing it and here's what she looked like:

I learned from a Haitian woman recently that vaseline is the wonder product for her hair and it's true! A little vaseline , well, a lot of vaseline makes her hair look great.
First... the supplies:

Here she is almost done. It took three movies to complete -- that's a lot of sitting! I was worried she wouldn't sit for me as good as the women at the salon, but she was really good (I think it had something to do with the movies!).

Tallie and Beckett enjoyed watching movies ALL DAY too.

In the end it turned out okay - actually I was pretty proud of myself. I got better as I went along and luckily you start underneath so the first braids aren't noticeable. The only thing I didn't do great was pull the hair tight enough. The next day she looked like she'd gotten her braids done a few weeks ago, so unfortunately they're not going to last as long but that's okay. She loves her new long hair and we'll try again. Next time I think I want to try putting in beads.

What's funny is I didn't take a picture when we were all done. I think we were all tired and it was bed time by the time I did the last one.