It's amazing how many things are new to Valencia, and the longer she's home the less I think about it until we're in the moment. We took the kids for a walk the other day - the 2 girls in a double stroller and Beckett in a single, and she thought that was a riot. She was laughing and screaming the whole time. First time in a stroller. And the week Beckett was sick we all needed to get out of the house so I decided to go for a drive. To make the girls enjoy it I bought them an icecream cone. She giggled the whole time eating it.
My sisters sent us a welcome home package with a sugar cookie mix and everything to decorate them. We had a snow day and decided it was the perfect day to break open the cookie mix. The girls loved doing it - thanks Mindy and Lisa and family -- it was a great activity.
Tomorrow is a big day for me as a mom -- my first child is going to school. Valencia's starting preschool to help with her English. After a few weeks we'll decide what to do. We had planned to start her in Kindergarten next year and just have her be old for her grade, but we're kind of questioning her age. She's HUGE for a 5 year old and she's loosing her teeth, so she could be older, who knows, but either way she'll be a giant kindergartener. So the plan now is to get her ready for first grade, which is what she should have done anyway. I'm feeling a little nervous tonight thinking about dropping her off at school tomorrow.
It's amazing that at 12 months Beckett knows how to rile up his sisters. Here's a clip of a typical dinner time at our house. Beckett likes to pretend to throw his food overboard and his sisters like to keep him in line, but I think he's the one in control of the situation.